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What is hypochlorous acid, is it safe, and what are its uses?

Molecular hydrogen has been making waves in the health and wellness industry due to its potential therapeutic benefits. Molecular hydrogen has been noted to help reduce fatigue, improve athletic stamina, boost immunity, and improve overall body functions. 

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the 10 benefits of molecular hydrogen for health based on the latest research and updates as of 2023.

What is Molecular Hydrogen?

Molecular hydrogen is a colorless, odorless gas molecule that can have numerous health benefits. Hydrogen is easy for our bodies to process, is wholly natural, and can help improve athletic performance, health, and energy levels. 

There are two main ways that molecular hydrogen gas is generated for its therapeutic properties. The first method is using a chemical reaction with water & magnesium which is how hydrogen tablets work. The second method is using an electrolysis process that uses an electric current to split water molecules (H2O) into hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen gas (O2). This method requires special titanium plates combined with a special SPE/PEM membrane. Read about why your device should have a properly designed SPE/PEM membrane here

Molecular hydrogen can be breathed in therapeutically or even injected Intravenously. It can also be infused into water for a healthy beverage or taken in tablet form as a supplement to help the body fight disease and boost the immune system. Let’s look at 10 benefits of molecular hydrogen and break down what makes it so helpful to health. 

Benefit # 1: Powerful Antioxidant

Antioxidants are substances that help to neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals in the body, the energy-sucking byproducts of food digestion as well as exposure to pollution and cigarette smoke.  

Antioxidants help protect and refuel cells and are especially helpful to athletes seeking to stay strong and focused while training. Molecular hydrogen is a very simple yet effective antioxidant and can deliver strong energy boosts to tired muscles, nerves, and brain cells. 

Compared to other antioxidant substances, hydrogen is extremely fast-acting, as its simple composition makes it easy for the body to recognize and use effectively. Also of note are its neuroprotective qualities; studies have shown that H2 therapy can help reduce the harmful effects of neurological disease and brain disorders.

Benefit # 2: Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is when the body’s tissues generate heat and puff out in response to stress. This can be a natural defense mechanism against injury or infection but can also cause fatigue and a breakdown of natural immunity.  

Molecular hydrogen can help soothe cellular inflammation, especially as experienced during workouts, or when fighting illness. Experiments on liver-damaged animals indicate that breathing in molecular hydrogen can have significant effects on the rate of healing, reduce inflammation, and contribute to overall organ health. Further studies also indicate that molecular hydrogen can be especially helpful for recovering athletes, reducing muscle inflammation & lactic acid even during and after intense exercise. 

Benefit # 3: Boosts Energy 

The body uses oxygen, food, and water to create energy, which in turn helps fuel our cells and perform our best. Energy levels suffer when we’re tired, stressed, sleepy, hungry, or thirsty.

Improving energy levels and re-fueling tired cells is something that molecular hydrogen seems to excel at. New research from scientists shows that molecular hydrogen is superlative at protecting cells and boosting natural defenses against disease. What’s more, there is evidence that molecular hydrogen can protect cells from death, make cell walls stronger, and improve mitochondrial health to boost energy levels. 

Benefit # 4: Enhances Athletic Performance

Keeping cells healthy and allowing tissues to work optimally against inflammation are both important components of athletic performance. In addition to boosting skill, having energy, & keeping cells healthy are key to better performance. Molecular hydrogen can greatly improve athletic performance by reducing stress on cells, cutting back on muscle inflammation, improving recovery rates, and boosting energy.

Exercise-induced oxidative stress is the clinical term given to the weariness of muscles and other body systems during exercise, and hydrogen can help ease that stress, improving stamina, concentration, endurance, and overall mood during exertion.  See 7 reasons why athletes should be using molecular hydrogen.

Benefit # 5: Improves Brain Function 

Brain function & focus are other key aspects of health, and molecular hydrogen is key here, as well. The better your brain cells and nerves work, the faster your reflexes will be, the less tired you’ll feel, and the more productive and effective you’ll be overall. 

Hydrogen can even improve the health of those already suffering from neurological disease, and research is already being conducted to see if hydrogen gas inhalation may help those with Parkinson’s disease. 

Benefit # 6: Relieves Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are quickly becoming a modern-day epidemic. While treating depression and anxiety often depends on individual responses, there is evidence that the very positive effects that hydrogen has on brain and neurological health overall can help alleviate depression and anxiety symptoms. 

This hydrogen therapy may improve brain function and neuro synaptic firing, and improve one’s mood overall. Studies performed on mice indicate that trauma-induced depression in mice can be significantly lessened by hydrogen therapy, meaning possible applications for human subjects, as well. 

Benefit # 7: Supports Cardiovascular Health

Those properties which make hydrogen anti-inflammatory can also help heart tissue stay healthier longer, as well as improve blood flow throughout the body. 

The heart takes quite a beating throughout our lives, and inflammation of heart tissue due to stress and exhaustion is a significant factor in heart attacks. The calming effects of hydrogen on cells and tissues can greatly benefit cardiovascular health, keep veins healthy and keep oxygen moving effectively through your body to further refuel cells.  

Benefit #8: Protects Against Neurodegenerative Diseases

Neurodegenerative diseases slowly wear away the brain and nervous system’s abilities to function and communicate properly, affecting speech, movement, walking, memory and cognitive ability, and greatly impact a person’s ability to independently care for themselves.

Research indicates that hydrogen therapy may be beneficial to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s patients as well, helping the nervous system function better, and can also help mitigate some of the effects of aging on the human mind, nervous system, and memory.

Benefit #9: Alleviates Allergies, Asthma, and Heals Covid-19 Symptoms

The effects of Covid 19 on the human lungs are well-documented. Also disruptive are seasonal allergies and asthma, all of which can cause wheezing and restrict airflow. In severe cases, asthma attacks may lead to death. 

Molecular hydrogen gas therapy has been shown to greatly improve the lung health and function of patients post-Covid, and these same effects may help boost airflow in patients struggling with asthma, emphysema, and other serious lung issues. 

Benefit #10: Aids in Wound Healing

The healing of wounds is closely linked to cellular health, immune health, cellular energy levels, and overall body strength. There is evidence that hydrogen therapy can aid in wound healing more rapidly, as well as a decrease in inflammation, seeping, redness, and pain at the healing site. 

This has shown to be true even of the effects of sepsis, or the body’s extreme inflammatory response to traumatic wounds or injury. Sepsis patients have seen considerable improvement and survival rates with hydrogen therapy, and external as well as internal wounds could well benefit from molecular hydrogen. 

In Summary

Molecular hydrogen can be taken in by breathing H2 gas, drinking infused water products, H2 Baths, and even through H2 Injections via IV. This simple yet important molecule has been noted to act as a powerful antioxidant, reduce inflammation, and boost energy. It can also enhance athletic performance, improve brain function, and may mitigate some of the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Molecular hydrogen has also been shown to support cardiovascular health, protect against neurodegenerative diseases, alleviate Covid 19 symptoms, and aid in wound healing. 

Future applications seem promising, and as mental health globally continues to decline and novel viruses find their way into human populations, hydrogen therapy may find even more beneficial and life-saving uses. 


  • Molecular hydrogen is a colorless, odorless gas molecule with numerous health benefits.
  • Molecular hydrogen acts as a powerful antioxidant, neutralizing the harmful effects of free radicals and protecting cells.
  • Molecular hydrogen reduces inflammation in the body, aiding in healing and organ health.
  • It boosts energy levels and improves mitochondrial health.
  • Molecular hydrogen enhances athletic performance by reducing stress on cells and cutting back on muscle inflammation.
  • It improves brain function, and reflexes, and may have the potential in treating neurological diseases.
  • Hydrogen therapy shows promise in alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • It supports cardiovascular health and improves blood flow throughout the body.
  • Molecular hydrogen may protect against neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
  • It aids in alleviating allergies, and asthma, and can help relieve inflammation from Covid-19 symptoms.
  • Hydrogen therapy aids in wound healing, reduces inflammation, and improves recovery rates.
  • Future applications of molecular hydrogen therapy are promising, especially in mental health and viral infections.

Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL) Sanitizing Water

Hypochlorous acid a.k.a HOCL sanitizing water might sound scary at first but the fact is, it is actually produced by our own white blood cells to kill pathogens in our bodies. Therefore, it is a safe acid that our body uses on a daily basis to keep us healthy. However, there are so many benefits to Hypochlorous acid used outside of our bodies which you need to know.  Keep reading to find out more.

What is Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL) and is it Safe?

As mentioned before, your white blood cells produce hypochlorous acid, to kill and protect your body from pathogens that could cause damage. The basic chemical composition of hypochlorous acid is 1 Hydrogen, 1 Oxygen, and 1 Chlorine molecule, and hence produce the chemical formula HOCL.

HOCL is Safe for Humans

As an acid, it is classified as a non-hazardous chemical, meaning that there are no hazards to it to humans. That being said, although it sounds like a safe chemical for humans, it has a very useful potential in killing harmful bacteria, molds, spores, removing odors, viruses,  wound healing, and pathogens.
In fact, we find HOCl being incorporated into things such as eye drops as an effective sanitizer. 

Therefore, unlike other chlorinated acids, which can produce dangerous and toxic results if used improperly, HOCl can be safely used in a variety of situations which we will explore in greater depth below.

Other uses of HOCL sanitizing water?

Ion Clean HOCL Water Kills Germs

HOCl for Killing Germs, Viruses, Sanitizing, & COVID-19

Its primary use is as a disinfectant. Research shows that it is 99.9% effective in killing viruses, germs, bacteria, molds & most pathogens which could harm humans. For example, it can be used to sanitize surfaces, and it is, therefore, useful as a hand sanitizer, allowing wounds to be safely cleaned.

HOCL has no detrimental effects on your skin and there are various commercial products that produce HOCL to clean and sanitize. 

For example, this research has become so significant that it has been a key instrument as a disinfectant alternative since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. A variety of techniques were employed to use hypochlorous acid, as seen in its use to clean public transport due to its extremely effective ability to kill pathogens such as viruses that can be easily dispersed in these areas. 

HOCL removes odors

HOCL Can Remove Odors

Not only is hypochlorous acid sanitizing water beneficial for using and killing pathogens and sanitizing. We also found that HOCl is great for removing odors which are also mainly caused by bacteria,  molds, fungus, and spores.  When hypochlorous acid (HOCl)  is sprayed on a surface that needs to be cleaned or disinfected, the acid will break down the proteins of the cell membranes of the microscopic organism causing the odors. After a few treatments of HOCL spray the fungus or mold should be eliminated removing any unpleasant smell. 

HOCL sanitizing water heals wounds faster

Heal Wounds with HOCL sanitizing spray

In addition in a study published on the topic of hypochlorous acid tested for wound, healing scientists found that HOCl I took an average time of 12 seconds to eliminate bacteria & viruses. Not only that but it also helped promote wound healing and cell proliferation. 

In a published scientific article describing a study in which hypochlorous acid was tested to look at a variety of its components, the outcome determined that this solution in most cases had a 12-second kill time for numerous bacteria and viruses, helped promote wound healing and cell proliferation, and did not harm current healthy cells. Also of note, this solution disrupted biofilm and increased cell migration

Summing it Up

Now that you know the uses of hypochlorous acid, you probably want to know why this is something that you should use regularly. The biggest benefit of hypochlorous acid is the antimicrobial effects that it offers. This can have many uses in the medical world. For instance, sterility is something that is crucial for any surgical or even device-based procedure that a patient receives which involves cutting or puncturing the skin. Typically, antiseptic preparations consist of chlorhexidine or iodopovidone but there are limitations and problems with each of these options. Iodopovidone tends to have a noxious smell to some while also potentially dyeing the clothing and hair. Chlorhexidine has the potential to be toxic to your tissues, especially your cornea.

After the procedure, using antibiotic preparations isn’t typical because of the risk of their being developing bacterial resistance. There are also concerns with the potential side effects of using these items including causing contact dermatitis and inflammation. 

Medical Uses

This is where hypochlorous acid can benefit this industry. Using the topical formulations of hypochlorous acid, medical professionals can use it for both pre-procedural preparations on the skin and wound management in the post-procedural time. The antimicrobial properties of this compound are naturally produced by the body and have the potential for breaking down the cell walls of many viruses, spores, and bacteria.

There are also immunological healing factors that can be associated with the use of hypochlorous acid. This isn’t a particularly harsh antibacterial compound, making it pretty effective at degrading biofilm to reduce bacteria loads and support a healthy microbiome that is essential for the body. Hypochlorous acid has anti-pruritic and anti-inflammatory effects that can directly benefit wounds that are healing. This can improve the comfort of patients, support the formation of granulation tissue that is healthy, improve wound healing, and make it less likely for patients to itch the wounds and cause issues like infection.

Lastly, Hocl sanitizing water can help with the blood supply and oxygenation. This compound can be used throughout the healing process that occurs post-op due to its ability to support a microbiome that is balanced and healthy in the body. It can also optimize skin health, increase oxygenation, and reduce inflammation in the body. Hypochlorous acid is a newer approach to wound management and preventing infection after procedures, especially since it works extremely well for wound management.

Hypochlorous acid may have found sudden popularity due to COVID-19, but there are plenty of benefits to support the popularity of this new approach. This is a versatile compound that can actually be used for so many different purposes. It is primarily used as a disinfectant in a post-COVID-19 world, but there are plenty of other uses for HOCl wound management, odor removal, & stain removal. 

This approach is becoming the preferred option because it can be used in non-toxic products that aren’t as dangerous. This compound is very different from other options, which tend to cause irritation and inflammation or have other side effects that make users concerned about using those other products. 

Why not try using HOCl and learn how you can make your own portable HOCI water with the Ion Clean + Portable HOCl sanitizing water generator today. 

References & Studies

1.) Block, Michael S, and Brian G Rowan. “Hypochlorous Acid: A Review.” Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery: official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons vol. 78,9 (2020): 1461-1466. doi:10.1016/j.joms.2020.06.029

2.) Kim, Chanwoo et al. “Evaluating the effectiveness of HOCl application on odor reduction and earthworm population growth during vermicomposting of food waste employing Eisenia fetida.” PloS one vol. 14,12 e0226229. 19 Dec. 2019, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0226229

3.) Sakarya, Serhan et al. “Hypochlorous Acid: an ideal wound care agent with powerful microbicidal, antibiofilm, and wound healing potency.” Wounds : a compendium of clinical research and practice vol. 26,12 (2014): 342-50.

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